Book clubs in Swanage

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Swanage

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Looking to join a swanage based book club, I’m not the fastest reader but I enjoy it enormously! Interested in a wide range of genres.

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I’m looking to get back into reading - interested in a wide range and particularly women writers form any period. I read quality crime fiction and need to expand my reading. Swanage based.

RuthT recommends:

Orbital by Samantha Harvey
by Samantha Harvey | Buy this book
A short and vibrant read delving into the lives in astronauts in a space station orbiting the earth. Poetic and thoughtful, blends story & science, a rare beauty of a book.
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I live in Swanage and am interested in joining an evening book club. I enjoy historical and contemporary fiction.

Gina recommends:

Engleby  by Sebastian Faulks
by Sebastian Faulks | Buy this book
Sinister, thrilling, well researched, well written
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I've just finished my English Literature degree and want to maintain my passion for reading with likeminded people.

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I love reading mainly historic fact based books. I want to join a book club, to meet new people and make new friends, who have a passion for reading

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I have recently moved to the area and looking to meet new people and I love reading

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