Book clubs in Wareham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Wareham

I love reading a variety of genres and I think joining a bookclub would be a fun way to meet like minded people.
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Hi, would like to join a local book club. I’m Mid 40s with grown up family and busy job. Reading is my escape. I read everything that comes with a recommendation. Meeting one evening a month would be great - with wine and/or dinner even better!
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Leoma A
I'm a thirty-something woman who is an avid reader and looking to join a diverse book club where I can meet like-minded individuals, discuss literature, and enjoy a glass of wine (or two).
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Ramon R
I'm a retired savvy woman thrilled to dive in coming of age works discussing evenings, able to be free weeknights at 7 to chat about my happiest literature-loving splendors.
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Isadora K
I am a young woman who's never tried a book club before and who is interested in exploring books across various genres with like-minded friends who are free to gather in the evenings after working hours.
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