Book clubs in Cleveland

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Added 7 days ago

Fiona (Hartlepool) (Hartlepool)

Hello, I mainly read Horror but I also enjoy Fantasy, Mystery/Crime, Thriller, Scfi and non fiction... I'm open :) I would love to attend a meet and read social of some kind. Where we meet, have a catch up and discuss, and spend some time reading our books together :) I do travel often and I also attend the gym, mainly lifting weights, which I'm also happy to for someone to come join me. :)

Fiona (Hartlepool) recommends:

reINcarnate by Patrick Querney
by Patrick Querney | Buy this book
This is a mixture of horror and crime I think. You are following a serial killer who's soul jumps from person to person, going on a murder rampage, and a detective who is trying to find the murderer. This is an indie book so there is some spelling mistakes but that didn't take me out of the story and I ended up really enjoying it and getting a physical copy.
Hell House by Richard Matheson
Hell House
by Richard Matheson | Buy this book
A ghost/Haunted House story that I really enjoyed. The Author also wrote 'I am Legend'.
Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen
Buddhism Plain and Simple
by Steve Hagen | Buy this book
I love coming back to this book when life is getting me down. I do find a resonate with Buddhism which I treat more like a philosophy then religion. I highly recommend this to anything who is curious about Buddhism philosophy :)
The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst
The Spellshop
by Sarah Beth Durst | Buy this book
Read in 2024 and I ended up loving it and it brought me back to Fantasy. I especially loved the sentient plants in the story, the plot, and that there is a small bit of romance but it does not lead to sex, nor is it the main focus and it makes sense (doesn't not fill forced or rushed). Already pre-ordered her next book set in the same world - The Enchanted Greenhouse.
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Added 13 days ago

Catherine (Stockton-on-Tees)

love all types of books but currently fantasy like fourth wig series and classics like dickens and jane austen i also like a good mystery and detective novels would like a group meet up please

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Added 22 days ago

Ian (Redcar)

59yo recently retired, share house with husband and two rescue pugs, love reading, cooking, socialising and gardening

Ian recommends:

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Cloud Atlas
by David Mitchell | Buy this book
Reincarnation, etc
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Added 22 days ago

Ian (Redcar)

Want to get my teeth back into reading and always fancied joining a book club! I live with my husba.nd and two rescue pugs in Kirkleatham Village and enjoy gardening, socialising, reading and gaming. I’m recently retired (59) and havre far too much spare time on my hands. I like all kinds of books, all time favorites include, Cloud Atlas, The Crimson Petal and the White and most of Stephen King’s work.

Ian recommends:

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Cloud Atlas
by David Mitchell | Buy this book
Reincarnation, etc
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Layla (Stockton-on-Tees)

I’m 21 looking to join a book club to make new friendships ! Favourite genre is romance but wanting to get into fantasy more this year. I started reading in 2020 and have loved it ever since.

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Bookholder88 (Stockton-on-Tees)

Really love gothic ghost stories and some crime (not too cosy/not too gritty!).

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Molly (Redcar)

Hey, I’m 31 and absolutely in love with fantasy & romantasy books!! Looking to start or join a local book club!

Molly recommends:

The Binding
by Bridgett Collins | Buy this book
A warm, cosy hug in a book!
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Abbey (Redcar)

Hi, I am looking to make friends and discuss books especially fantasy or rom com which is what I tend to read the most. I am 29 years old.

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Daisy (Redcar)

I'm 18 recently moved to Redcar and am hoping to meet new people, I work a 9-5 Tuesday - Friday but want to meet people who have similar interests as me. I like all sorts of books from romance to horror. i am a huge fan of Taylor Jenkins Reid's books one of my favourites being "The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo".

Daisy recommends:

The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo
by Taylor Jenkins Reid | Buy this book
its about a Hollywood actress from the 60s reclaiming her life story and exposing the truth behind her seven marriages. she chooses a small writer to publish her story and a connection between the two is exposed. its a heart breaking story with rich and deep characters.
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Rahman (Saltburn-by-the-Sea)

I love to read and would like to talk about the books.

Rahman recommends:

by Chimamanda Adichie | Buy this book
Beautiful story.
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Ell (Stockton-on-Tees)

I've recently got back into reading and looking to join a club/group of like minded people.

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Kathryn (Stockton-on-Tees)

I enjoy reading and finding new authors. Like all sorts of genres with a particular love for murder mystery. I'm looking to make new friends and share a love of reading

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Sadie (Hartlepool)

19 years old. Love all genres but fantasy and classics in particular. I am looking for a book club and people that also share the same passion for reading!

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Elise (Redcar)

I am 23 and have recently began to really enjoy my reading again and would love to try a book club to broaden my reading material and socialise. I love to read romcom type books but have been also enjoying other fiction books.

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Annette (Middlesbrough)

Avid reader. Eclectic range from thrillers, fantasies, historical and biographies. Would like to share opinions with likeminded readers.

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Katie (Redcar)

Recently moved to the Redcar area so I am hoping to meet people with similar interests to me- I enjoy reading romance, fantasy, memoirs and literary fiction. I work a 9-5 job so looking to meet outside of these hours if possible. I'm 22 and would be happy to join a book club or meet one on one!

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Tony (Hartlepool)

I live on my own I like books mainly police or political stories. I would like to be able to discuss what I have read and also be introduced into a wider choice of reading

Tony recommends:

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
A Gentleman in Moscow
by Amor Towles | Buy this book
The language is some of the best I have ever read along with a fascinating story.
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SophieProut (Middlesbrough)

Hi. I really wanting to find a bookclub to find other people who enjoy reading as much as me

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Danielle (Stockton-on-Tees)

Hey, I'm a 27 year old mam to two. I love to read, particularly romance but I do enjoy a good thriller. My favourite authors are Emily Henry, Elle Kennedy & Jessa Hastings. I'd love to make new friends through a mutual love of books! :)

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Simra (Middlesbrough)

Hi my name is Simra. I love reading books and buying them, we all know that's a whole other hobby haha! Always looking for a quiet and cosy place to read in my not so quiet life. I would love to join a book club and meet bookish people to enjoy my time with and encourage me to get through my enormous TBR shelf.

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