Book clubs in Saltburn-by-the-Sea
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Saltburn-by-the-Sea

I love to read and would like to talk about the books.
Rahman recommends:

Saltburn LitSoc
The name is still a work in progress! The group is (so far) comprised of my partner and I, both of us have recently moved to Saltburn from York, and are just looking to make some friends and enjoy our quiet little lives by the sea!
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An English and Philosophy graduate fresh out of uni, and desperately trying to regain some love for reading! I have loved the variety of literature I encountered at uni, but cannot wait to engross myself in books I've chosen, even if they're cheesy murder mysteries!! I love Irish fiction, short stories, and anything concerning ghosts!
murphymurphy recommends:

Hi, I am like looking to join a book group in order to expand my reading choices, and also to meet new people . I prefer fiction and I favour the quality of the writing rather than the plot or action. Authors I particularly enjoy include Ann Tyler, Elizabeth Strout, Ann Patchett, Maggie O’Farrell and Wallace Stegner.
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Hoping to get back into a local Book Club, I am looking to meet new people to discuss books with. I am open to reading different genres.
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