Book clubs in Hartlepool

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Hartlepool

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Added 7 days ago

Fiona (Hartlepool)

Hello, I mainly read Horror but I also enjoy Fantasy, Mystery/Crime, Thriller, Scfi and non fiction... I'm open :) I would love to attend a meet and read social of some kind. Where we meet, have a catch up and discuss, and spend some time reading our books together :) I do travel often and I also attend the gym, mainly lifting weights, which I'm also happy to for someone to come join me. :)

Fiona (Hartlepool) recommends:

reINcarnate by Patrick Querney
by Patrick Querney | Buy this book
This is a mixture of horror and crime I think. You are following a serial killer who's soul jumps from person to person, going on a murder rampage, and a detective who is trying to find the murderer. This is an indie book so there is some spelling mistakes but that didn't take me out of the story and I ended up really enjoying it and getting a physical copy.
Hell House by Richard Matheson
Hell House
by Richard Matheson | Buy this book
A ghost/Haunted House story that I really enjoyed. The Author also wrote 'I am Legend'.
Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen
Buddhism Plain and Simple
by Steve Hagen | Buy this book
I love coming back to this book when life is getting me down. I do find a resonate with Buddhism which I treat more like a philosophy then religion. I highly recommend this to anything who is curious about Buddhism philosophy :)
The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst
The Spellshop
by Sarah Beth Durst | Buy this book
Read in 2024 and I ended up loving it and it brought me back to Fantasy. I especially loved the sentient plants in the story, the plot, and that there is a small bit of romance but it does not lead to sex, nor is it the main focus and it makes sense (doesn't not fill forced or rushed). Already pre-ordered her next book set in the same world - The Enchanted Greenhouse.
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19 years old. Love all genres but fantasy and classics in particular. I am looking for a book club and people that also share the same passion for reading!

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I live on my own I like books mainly police or political stories. I would like to be able to discuss what I have read and also be introduced into a wider choice of reading

Tony recommends:

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles
A Gentleman in Moscow
by Amor Towles | Buy this book
The language is some of the best I have ever read along with a fascinating story.
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I like fantasy and romance books

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I'm a 27 year old book enthusiast who would love to discuss books with other like-minded people. I read classics, literary fiction, horror and non-fiction books.

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jeff storey


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