Book clubs in Redcar

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Redcar

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59yo recently retired, share house with husband and two rescue pugs, love reading, cooking, socialising and gardening

Ian recommends:

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Cloud Atlas
by David Mitchell | Buy this book
Reincarnation, etc
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Want to get my teeth back into reading and always fancied joining a book club! I live with my husba.nd and two rescue pugs in Kirkleatham Village and enjoy gardening, socialising, reading and gaming. I’m recently retired (59) and havre far too much spare time on my hands. I like all kinds of books, all time favorites include, Cloud Atlas, The Crimson Petal and the White and most of Stephen King’s work.

Ian recommends:

Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Cloud Atlas
by David Mitchell | Buy this book
Reincarnation, etc
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Hey, I’m 31 and absolutely in love with fantasy & romantasy books!! Looking to start or join a local book club!

Molly recommends:

The Binding
by Bridgett Collins | Buy this book
A warm, cosy hug in a book!
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Hi, I am looking to make friends and discuss books especially fantasy or rom com which is what I tend to read the most. I am 29 years old.

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I'm 18 recently moved to Redcar and am hoping to meet new people, I work a 9-5 Tuesday - Friday but want to meet people who have similar interests as me. I like all sorts of books from romance to horror. i am a huge fan of Taylor Jenkins Reid's books one of my favourites being "The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo".

Daisy recommends:

The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo
by Taylor Jenkins Reid | Buy this book
its about a Hollywood actress from the 60s reclaiming her life story and exposing the truth behind her seven marriages. she chooses a small writer to publish her story and a connection between the two is exposed. its a heart breaking story with rich and deep characters.
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I am 23 and have recently began to really enjoy my reading again and would love to try a book club to broaden my reading material and socialise. I love to read romcom type books but have been also enjoying other fiction books.

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Recently moved to the Redcar area so I am hoping to meet people with similar interests to me- I enjoy reading romance, fantasy, memoirs and literary fiction. I work a 9-5 job so looking to meet outside of these hours if possible. I'm 22 and would be happy to join a book club or meet one on one!

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I’m a teen looking to find other people that love books! I love lgbtq+ books and anything that will make me cry.

Aster recommends:

Renegades by Marissa Meyer
by Marissa Meyer | Buy this book
The characters were so loveable and i read it in almost one sitting. Currently on the last book of the trilogy! The plot is interesting but i think it’s pretty character based. Good for people who enjoy reading books about superheroes but also want a little angst with romance.
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I'm an avid reader with limited availability to meet up, I love sci-fi, fantasy, crime, and the odd romance story. Looking to meet up monthly to discover new books and meet some new people!

Kay recommends:

Fifty fifty  by Steve Cavanagh
Fifty fifty
by Steve Cavanagh | Buy this book
It keeps you guessing, just when you think you have it solved, something throws you off the trail.
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I hope that by joining a book club my passion for reading is reignited and that i will be able to encouraged books that i would not normally be drawn to

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