Book clubs in Attleborough

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Attleborough

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I love reading and chatting about a good book. I read for fun and not much more. I read almost purely fiction books and sci-fi/fantasy and crime are my favourites. I love the idea of a book club to diversity my reading!

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I love reading and it’s definitely my favourite hobby, I’d like to join a book club and wouldn’t mind meeting once a month and meeting some new people!

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would like to read more and meet people as I've just moved to the area

Dean recommends:

Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Moby Dick
by Herman Melville | Buy this book
Ahabs obsessional revenge, whaling journal and a study of the human condition
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I enjoy reading books and I would like to make friends and meet up to chat about books.

Kelley recommends:

The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory
The White Queen
by Phillipa Gregory | Buy this book
I enjoy history novels especially tudor
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Writer working on seventh novel. Four self-published (Matador). Read widely, literature through to serious thrillers (i.e. LeCarré, Alan First, etc.). Have done many writing courses, inc. Diploma at UEA.

writeone recommends:

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
by Gabrielle Zevin | Buy this book
A novel bout a small group of people who create computer games. Similar to writing novels; they must include a story, plot, characters, crisis and solution. Book also involves romance in an unusual way.
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I’ve recently moved to the area from Cheshire. I enjoy reading and would be great to meet new people

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I’ve just moved to the area from West Sussex. I’ve always been in a book club so was wondering what there was available in the area?

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I read mostly non-fiction and would like to develop an interest in fiction. I like historical and modern literature but not horror or sci-fi. I am in my early 60's and looking to meet up, share and reflect on books and what they mean from different perspectives etc. I live in South Norfolk so nearby bookclubs practical.

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