Book clubs in Holt
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Holt

I am a self employed mortgage adviser, in my spare time I love to read and as I cooped up working from home most of the time I'd love to meet new people and discuss all things books. I also follow an online bookclub each month but would prefer to meet new people locally.
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Readers in the Stables Book Group
Gatherings will take place at the Holt Library and will be managed by the Library Manager. We offer library services, and we meet on the first Monday of each month, except when there is a bank holiday, when we meet on the second Monday. New members are welcomed. The library can be found at 9 Church Street, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6BB.
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2009 Reading Group
Gatherings at Holt Library take place every four to five weeks on Tuesday evenings at 6 PM. If you're interested in joining, feel free to contact the Library Manager at 01263 712202 for added information. We are located at 9 Church Street, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6BB and welcome any interested individuals.
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Barn Owl Reading Group
We come together every six weeks at Holt Library on Wednesday at 1pm. The Library Manager will be in attendance and interested parties can contact the library at 01263 712202 for more details about the service. We are actively welcoming new members.
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Heroes and Villans Book Group
Meets at Holt Library on Run by Library Manager Library service For more information contact the library on 01263 712202 We meet at: 9 Church Street, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6BB Accepting new members
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