Book clubs in Cwmbran

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Cwmbran

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Blackwood Book Club

Planning to start up soon - looking for folks who are in Blackwood or nearby surrounding areas. I’m hoping to make this a monthly evening book group where we each host at our homes and everyone brings potluck-style food (or pick a pub/other venue when it’s our turn to host). We’d select books several months in advance so everyone has a chance to put requests in at the library/share books. And meetings would be a mix of book discussion and getting to know each other.

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I just moved to the area and have been part of two great book clubs in the past - they were focused on community and friendship with a sprinkle of books thrown in. Would love to find or build something similar.

BookishinBlackwood recommends:

Euphoria by Lily King
by Lily King | Buy this book
Super atmospheric - I get totally lost in it
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Love fantasy romance, fantasy, romance, thrillers and historical fiction . Would love to join a local once monthly book club read good books and make some friends

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Looking to join a book club in cwmbran. I like most genres, particularly supernatural themes or series

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I'm 33 and have always loved reading, I like romance and literary fiction mostly but will read anything!

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Sleep Thief Book Club

Setting up a new book club based in Cwmbran, anyone 18+ is welcome! Get in touch and we will get you involved!

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I just like reading books and talking about them.

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Looking to join or start a monthly book club, preferably involving a drink! 30, female (she/her)

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Favourite genres/themes are translated fiction, mythology, thriller, horror and contemporary fiction

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