Book clubs in Heathfield
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Heathfield

Avid Reader
Hi I am looking to widen my social circle and meet others who love reading. I enjoy psychological thrillers, classics and tge occaisional light read. Ideally I would like a face to face club on a Friday?
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28 year old trying to get back into reading and expand my social circle! Particularly interested in emerging authors, short stories written by strong women and dystopian novels
Elly recommends:

I’m, 31, fairly new to the area and looking to get into a book group to find local pals. Love a coming of age murder mystery, preferably set in an exclusive boarding school…
Annieapple recommends:

I’m a 32 year old woman somewhat new to the area looking to get stuck into reading again but just unsure where to start, and I would love to meet new people and open up my social circle.
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I'm a journalist and writer and the founder of Ticehurst Literary Festival. Please get in touch with me on this email for author and writer events in your community. Thanks.
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I'm a writer and former journalist and the founder of Ticehurst Literary Festival.
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