Book clubs in Seaford
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Seaford

Enjoy a range of genres including mystery, magical realism, psychological thrillers, some non-fiction and others.
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I love reading! Particularly keen on crime fiction, historical fiction and classics.
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I read biographies, history, books on art, thrillers and Music (70's to now). As for me - I work for a charity (promotion/graphics/website etc) am a musician having played 400 plus shows with my last band performing original music and like the idea of discussing books!
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Looking for a friendly, chatty book group who enjoy reading a variety of genres. Hoping to join from October 23
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38 yrs old, Friendly, approachable, I enjoy reading history but also occasional bit of fiction.
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38 yrs old, Friendly, approachable, I enjoy reading history but also occasional bit of fiction.
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