Book clubs in Prudhoe
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Prudhoe

Diane H
I enjoy reading but go through phases of reading a lot for a while then nothing for a while. So I would like to read more consistently rather than binge reading. I just really enjoy a good story that can maybe inspire me to research on the theme. I am not keen on detective, fantasy or over girlie books. I am not really up on current popular fiction. I have recently revisited books, 'Riddley Walker' by Russell Hoban, which I read again as soon as I finished so that I could analyse it. 'Daughter of Fortune' by Isabel Allende, I enjoy a good picaresque saga. 'The Wasp Factory' by Iain Banks, probably my favourite author, although I can't get into his sci-fi. I would like to discover more current authors who have something to say and then have people to discuss it with, especially if I really enjoyed it and found it unusual. I am 53 and recently moved to Prudhoe and would like to meet new people.
Diane H recommends:

David Gray
I am 66 married to Ginny and we have recently moved to Prudhoe looking towards retirement. I have belonged to book clubs in Killingworth and Cramlington and love a wide range of literature and enjoy the discussions
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Prudhoe Library Reading Group
We come together every month at Prudhoe Library, led by Rosemary Kenyon and organised by Northumberland County Council Libraries. We welcome new members to our reading group, where we read a mixture of books - including novels and other genres. We are located at the Spetchells Centre in Prudhoe.
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Prudhoe Library Reading Group
The Prudhoe Library Reading Group, hosted by Rosemary Kenyon of Northumberland County Council Libraries, consists of women gathering monthly to discuss a wide range of books. New members are welcome to join and the group meets at the Spetchells Centre, Front Street, Prudhoe, Northumberland, NE42.
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Prudhoe Library Reading Group
Meets at Spetchells on Run by Rosemary Kenyon Library service We are a group of 12 ladies and meet 3rd Tuesday every month. We are the longest running book club in the area, enjoying a varied selection of books each month. Recently, we ventured into the Quiz arena, inviting other Reading groups in the area to come and join us. We meet at: Front Street, Prudhoe, Prudhoe, Northumberland Accepting new members
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Prudhoe Library Reading Group
The Prudhoe Library Reading Group, hosted by Rosemary Kenyon and the Northumberland County Council - Libraries, is a monthly gathering for women who enjoy reading a range of genres. The group meets at The Spetchells Centre on Front Street in Prudhoe and is now open to accepting new members.
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Prudhoe Library Reading Group
Meets at Prudhoe Library Reading Group on Run by Rosemary Kenyon Library service Northumberland County Council - Libraries We are a small group of ladies, meeting every 3rd Tuesday of the month. We read a variety of books, mainly novels but other genres aswell. We meet at: Spetchells Centre, Prudhoe, Northumberland, NE42 Accepting new members
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Prudhoe Library Reading Group
Meets at Prudhoe Library Reading Group on Run by Prudhoe Library Reading Group Library service Northumberland County Council - Libraries We are a group of 12 ladies and the longest running reading group in Prudhoe. We meet at: The Spetchells, Prudhoe, Northumberland Accepting new members
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Prudhoe Library Reading Group
Meets at Prudhoe Library Reading Group on Run by Prudhoe Library Reading Group Library service Northumberland County Council - Libraries Meets 3rd Tuesday every month at The Spetchells, Prudhoe, Northumberland. From 6.15 pm to 7.15pm. Group of 12 ladies. We have been meeting every month from approximately 10 years. We read a variety of books, some we like and some we do not. Books are reviewed each month. We meet at: The Spetchells, Front Street, Prudhoe, Northumberland Accepting new members Tags women only
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