Book clubs in Ruthin
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ruthin

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Llyfr a Llymed
A reading group in the Welsh language convenes bimonthly at Ruthin Library on the last Monday of the month. Hosted by Llinos Davies, the group discusses two novels in each meeting and accepts new members. The library's address is Record Street, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1DS.
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Ruthin Library Reading Group
Reading Group hosted by Llinos Davies and hosted by the Ruthin Library service, open to new members and located at Record Street, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1DS.
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Cylch Darllen y Dysgwyr
Join the reading group at Ruthin Library, led by Llinos Davies, where members can converse in Welsh while discussing one book title each month. New members are welcome!
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Cylch Darllen Llyfrgell Rhuthun
Meets at Ruthin Library on Run by Llinos Davies Library service Welsh medium reading group. Monthly meetings to discuss Welsh novels, biographies and poetry. We meet at: Record Street, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1DS Accepting new members
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