Book clubs in Whitby
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Whitby

I live part of the year in Robin Hood's Bay and part of the year in Sheffield. I read a lot, mainly contemporary fiction - I follow women's writing particularly and I like reading novels that challenge me as well as ones that are just entertaining! I'd love to join a book group in Whitby, Robin Hood's Bay or Scarborough.
Frances recommends:

I’ve mainly read fantasy growing up from Rowling, Tolkien and Terry Prattchet but is I’m getting old I read more non fiction to study and for leisure I’m reading some classic writers like Fyodor Dostoevsky . Looking for a group who likes similar books which I can read with and discuss and dissect
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Hello! I hope you’re having a lovely day. I enjoy reading and puzzles. I tend to prefer fiction, mysteries, and sci fi, with occasional historical fiction and non fiction too.
Ellen recommends:

I greatly enjoy reading in preference to watching TV and would enjoy talking to others about the books we have read.
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I love reading but probably don’t do enough of it as I work full time, Mon to Fri. Ideally looking for a friendly and sociable group (not too serious) to join at lunchtime, weekends or a Saturday. I’m friendly, sociable and happy person.
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