Book clubs in Merseyside

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Merseyside

All listings in Merseyside

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Added 11 days ago

Jess (Wallasey)

I like reading most genres. My favourites are crime and thriller books. Would like to find a book club, especially to fill my free time when I’m off work or when the kids are with their dad

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Added 21 days ago

Hannah (Wirral)

I like fantasy, historical, adventure, and scifi (amongst other genres). Looking for a local bookclub to try some new books and connect!

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Added 21 days ago

Liz (St Helens)

I want to get back into reading & also be able to meet new people with a similar interest

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Added 29 days ago

JayV (Newtown-le- Willows)

Looking to join a book club in my local area, firstly because I love books but secondly to be more social.

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Caz (Newtown-le- Willows)

I have only just got back into reading after a few years off. I'd love to try out a book club. Preferably weekdays. I'd give any types of books ago, it'd be nice to try a variety.

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allan (Liverpool)

looking to join a book club in liverpool

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Ikram (Liverpool)

I am a lover of gothic fiction. I recently completed the Vampire Lestat by Anna Rice

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Annabel (Newtown-le- Willows)

Looking to join a book club to meet new people, keep on track with my reading goals and just have some fun! I’m 30 years old, work in mental health and enjoy reading for escapism and challenging my mind. I love thrillers, dark academia, lit fic and trying to get more into romance and fantasy this year!

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Em Losh-Sim (Liverpool)

I read a variety of books, i love to read and i read atleast once a day. I am 24 with 3 children and would love to find a new social group. I find that a book club would be the best way

Em Losh-Sim recommends:

Im a therapist and my patient is in love with a pedophile by Dr. harper
Im a therapist and my patient is in love with a pedophile
by Dr. harper | Buy this book
It is constantly shocking you having you on edge. I read the whole book in one night!!!
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Newton-le-Willows Book Club (Newtown-le- Willows)

Looking to start up this group in the Newton area so keen to get in touch with a a few individuals that are looking to take part and help organise! Send me your email if you’re interested!

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Emo-At-Heart (Newtown-le- Willows)

I’m looking to join a book club, ideally meeting once a month in an evening. I enjoy mainly romance books and light hearted reads but also open to thrillers!

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Lisa (Birkenhead)

I would love to join a book club to encourage me to read more and rediscover my love of books. I was a member of an online book club through lockdown which I thoroughly enjoyed but unfortunately never really continued. It was so lovely to meet new friends and opened up my mind on different book genres I would never have really read before. I love a good crime/mystery book as well as a good thriller and will look forward to expanding my knowledge of books.

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Laura (Liverpool)

Hello, I’m keen to join a book club to rekindle my joy of reading. I mostly enjoy reading fiction with the occasional autobiography/biography. I have retired early and would like to meet new people.

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Lolly (Liverpool)

I work as a health and wellbeing advisor and have a few service users that would be interested in going to a book club, we are located in the Liverpool 8 area, this is not too far away from the city centre

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Jacqueline (Liverpool)

Hello, I retired early and would like to make friends who enjoy reading, socialising, walking and discussing a book over coffee or a wine.

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Mike (Birkenhead)

I would like to discuss books and maybe read somethings that I wouldn't normally. I like fiction and non fiction, many sub genres of both and always looking to broaden my horizons.

Mike recommends:

by JJ Abrams & Doug Dorst | Buy this book
It's an unusual format and seems richly complex.
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Ali (Wirral)

I mainly read thrillers but like stories I can relate to as well. I do like to try new things and broaden my horizons and therefore would love to meet people to discuss great books they have read and share ideas. I live in Bebington, Wirral.

Ali recommends:

Ladykiller by Martina Cole
by Martina Cole | Buy this book
The characters are really good, you can really immerse yourself in the story and feel the emotion, anger and stress. This is nothing like Martina Cole's other books which tend to focus on the criminal underworld.
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MonteCristo (South Wirral)

Love reading the lastest fiction books but also dipping into classics

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Gemma (Birkenhead)

Would love to meet people and read great books, love rom coms and crime thrillers

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OliviaCWill (Wirral)

Likes variety of genres

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