Book clubs in Ambleside
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ambleside

Ambleside Book Club
We both love reading various genres and are hoping to find some liked minded people who would be interested in starting a book club with us. We were thinking of meeting once a month in a cafe/pub where we can talk about the book we chose to read, to choose the next months book, and to talk about anything else. If you love the idea we’d be happy to hear from you!
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I love most genres: contemporary, historical, magical realism, crime, romance, fantasy,... and would love to find other local people to meet up, chat books, life and to simply have a nice time together :)
Emma recommends:

I have always had a love of reading but the past few years have not read as much as I would like due to being so preoccupied with work. I would like to join a group for discussion and making new aquaintances.
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I’m looking to read some new books and chat to like-minded people. I really like thought provoking reads that make you ask a lot of questions.
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