Book clubs in Enfeld

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Enfeld

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Love reading. Love Fantasy books, some romcom books and books by people of colour.

FL recommends:

Jade City- the Full series
by Fonda Lee | Buy this book
The Characters and the fact this trilogy takes you over a 30 year time span.
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24F, love all things books, specifically classics, romance, fantasy and sci-fi!

Priya recommends:

The fifth season by N.K Jemisin
The fifth season
by N.K Jemisin | Buy this book
Such an immerse dystopian fantasy book, written by an incredible author who creates a vivid world, with great, in-depth characters.
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I'm 66 and have been reading too much crime fiction for too long. Getting back to more varied material. My latest read was Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin - been recommending it to friends. I've never joined a book group before and am very keen to. Ideally I'd like a group with members of different ages. If I make new local friends that's an added bonus. Got lots of friends but none are local.

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Natasha April

I’m 41 years old married mother of 2, I have always enjoyed reading but haven’t been reading recently and would like to get back into reading and to join a reading club as part of this. I want to try something new, also meet new people, maybe make new friends and expand my horizons. Hope to hear from you

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I want to make new friends through a love of book reading.

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24 year old who is a literature enthusiast

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Just wanted to let you know that my new book is now published and available on LULU.COM. It is my sixth book. The first was a Dalek annual followed by four books on the art of writing comedy based on my half-century experience scripting TV series for Tommy Cooper, Les Dawson, Dick Emery, Frankie Howerd, Bruce Forsyth, Hylda Baker, Hattie Jacques, David Frost and Bob Monkhouse among others. Early in my career I was Head Writer for the great Groucho Marx.

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Male late 50s - primarily history based fact or fiction

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