Book clubs in Twickenham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Twickenham

I love reading and would love to connect with like minded people. I am open to all genres and would love to expand my reading horizons as I primarily read murder mysteries and non fiction.
Sim recommends:

Jane C
I am undergoing cancer treatment and have got back into reading as I have a lot of waiting around time on my hands at present. I like classics, prize winning books and modern fiction.
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I’m Linda and I’ve been a passionate reader all my life and spend a lot of my spare time outside of work reading. I enjoy all types of novels - although I’m not overly keen on sci fi or magic realism - and really like talking about books too. I’d like to join a book club in Twickenham area.
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I've lived in the area a while now, and as work has slowed down I thought a book club would be nice.
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Hi, I'd like to join a small, friendly book club where I can discover new book recommendations and meet like-minded people. My favourite genres are thriller, romance and mystery, but I'd like to explore more genres.
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