Book clubs in Shepperton
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Shepperton

Looking to meet like minded people,make new friends and exchange ideas on books to read. I like romantic novels, suspense and thrillers.
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Karin Ramos
I like books, like going out for a walk in the park or by the river, loved dogs
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Shepperton Library Chatterbooks
The Shepperton Library Chatterbooks Group is open to accepting new members. This group is specifically for children aged 8-11 and meets once a month on a Saturday from 11:00am to 11:45am. During this time, we read and talk about a selection of books, take part in fun activities such as crafting, answering quizzes and playing games. For more information, contact Surrey County Council Libraries at 03456 009 009, speak to someone at the library, or send an email to The address for Shepperton Library is High Street, Shepperton, Middlesex, TW17 9AU.
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Brendon W
I'm a 30-something woman with a passion for historical fiction and biography, available to meet up fortnightly in the evenings with other book-loving locals to discuss recently published titles.
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'Shepperton Reads'
"Discover a realm of literature with our diverse and friendly bookish minds! Our intimate book club is eagerly searching for fellow enthusiasts of many literary genres to expand further in our pivo...
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Reading group in Shepperton
We're a small, welcoming group of avid readers who have been meeting regularly for seven years now. All of our members are in their 40s and 50s and many reside near Shepperton. We're extremely soci...
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