Book clubs in Teddington
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Teddington

Hi there, I used to be an avid reader and have gotten out of the habit. I used to get so much out of reading. Looking to join a book club to get back into great books and discuss them with like minded readers!
ElaineB recommends:
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"An avid poetry lover and literature contributor in Community Forums, passionate and curious woman who would whether read all Thursdays over beans-chat-or will devour volumes till lentils need peeling on busy hours-(semiclassic/general-type modern preferred)-!", such is the delibrate presentation to possible book inclined figuremates.
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Reading group in Teddington
We are a cozy little book club made up of friendly readers who enjoy deeply engrossing, heart-expanding literature. Always exploring new perspectives and eager to mull over the most fascinating, nu...
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Reading group in Teddington
We are a friendly book club welcoming new members who are looking for fascinating reads and engaging discussions. Our group enjoys a mix of genres spanning across classic literature, science fictio...
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