Book clubs in Halesowen
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Halesowen

Good morning I am looking for a book club in Halesowen which it seems a few people are. Have you got one running? Regards Yvonne
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I love reading, but since having a baby I haven't had as much time to read as I would like, especially after returning to work. I like most genres, but currently I'm leaning more towards more non-fiction books. I'd love to find a local group that meets on an evening (all the ones I can find meet while I am at work), to be able to meet likeminded individuals and have the motivation to read a variety of different books.
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Mindset and attitude
This group is available to anyone who wants to make a consistent change to their lives. We will not just read books that will get you set on significant self development journey but we will talk about anything positive and beneficial to each other. “We are what we think about the majority of the time” remember that and say it to yourself consistently, write it down, study that powerful phrase.
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Crime & non celebrity biographies
BoyBoscoe recommends:

Big fan crime novels. Favourite authors Anne Cleeves, Peter Robinson, Mark Billingham. Enjoy biographies of non celebrities. Looking to swap recommendations, talk over books read. In person or online
BoyBoscoe recommends:

Lola loves books :)
Hello! I a mum of three who loves to read for wind down and me-time. Making a conscious effort for 2024 to make more time for books! I am open to all genre's but prefer thrillers, mystery, travel, comedic modern romance etc. Usually choose the books recommended by the Richard and Judy book clubs and haven't let me down yet! Would love to share book chat with like-minded others locally!
Lola loves books :) recommends:

enjoy reading Crime and thrillers, Sc fi,Fantasy Contemporary romance,Biographies Folk and fairy tales. I also enjoy the classics by the Brontes, Jane Austen, and Oscar Wilde My reading tastes vary according to mood and I enjoy trying new authors. I want to join a book club to meet like minded people and listen to and discuss different view points on books.
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Book reader JoJo
To meet other people who enjoy reading . I read books from different genres depending on my mood. I read fiction and non fiction. I love the knowledge I get from books.
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