Book clubs in West Bromwich

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in West Bromwich

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Added 15 days ago


I've not read in decades, I don't seem to enjoy the things I've enjoyed for years, this has forced me to explore reading. I've picked up a controversial book, and I like to think I'm an impartial objective reader. I didn't like the book, but I'm continuing, and now feel really compelled to explain the hypocrisy, the truths in their story and general analysis of what I'm reading, I really need to offload what I've read. I would LOVE to discuss someone else's analysis of a book too! I think my theme is Non Fiction/Real life.

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I like to read but don't have anyone who shares a common interest with books

Layla recommends:

by Collen hoover | Buy this book
Gripping and confusing at the same time will leave u questioning the entire book
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Looking to find a local book club

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Trying to find a local book club to socialise & increase my love for reading

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I love reading but don’t have any friends who do and with it being such a big part of my life I would love to have a few friends who enjoy it as much as me. A lot of book clubs are more just for reading and feel very formal I want something fun and informal.

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