Book clubs in Stourbridge

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Stourbridge

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Added 8 days ago


Hey! I’m Maya and I have a real passion for self help/ religious books and trying to find people who are willing to discuss along with sharing the same love which I have for them. :)

MayaAtPeace recommends:

The Power Of Now
by Ekhart Tolle | Buy this book
This book gives such a great insight on the way we SHOULD be living conflicting with the common unhappiness many people nowadays suffer with. I truly believe that anyone can read this book and come out the last page a better, happier person
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Added 15 days ago


An avid reader and eager to connect with other book lovers. Just returned to Stourbridge after 7 years away, hoping to make new friends.

Chad recommends:

A Scanner Darkly
by Phillip K Dick | Buy this book
Trainspotting if it were written by Phillip K Dick. Set in the near future where the US government uses an epidemic as an excuse to brutally control the lives of its citizens.
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Book reader 1965

I am 60 years old this week. Looking for a group to share books with and make new friends. I like reading crime and murders mysteries mainly but sometimes enjoy other light life fiction novels

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Bob Lessemun

Retired Investigator

Bob Lessemun recommends:

The Young Plod by Bob Lessemun
The Young Plod
by Bob Lessemun | Buy this book
True stories of a homicide detectives experiences in the Black Country starting at Stourbridge Junction railway station when dressed in full uniform had to ask his way to the police station. Take a trip on his journey and experience 20 short stories on what a cop can expect to do and experience.
Christmas Bloody Eve
by Bob Leesemun | Buy this book
Tells story of mayhem at Stourbridge hairdressers after local drunken hooligans decide to raid a ladies hairdressers with mistletoe and didn’t bargain for the injuries they endured when trying to get a Christmas kiss. The local cop, the author tells the story start to finish. It didn’t end well
The Blue Jemmy  by Bob Lessemun
The Blue Jemmy
by Bob Lessemun | Buy this book
true story of a well known criminal and police informer who finds himself between a rock and a hard place after a local armed robber uses his home to scrub the blood off his boots. The story is told as if related by the informant.
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Retired Homicide detective, hostage negotiator, terrorist crimes investigator, who retired after 55 years investigating, starting in Stourbridge and finishing at Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Written his first book about the trial and tribulations of being a Bobby on the beat at Stourbridge and tells a series of 20 stories of his time in the Black Country. The era was late 60s early 70’s. Includes the a black Panther investigation, and the Bombing of the water pipeline by Welsh Nationslists, what’s it like being a Bobby. This book will outline what to expect.

Plod327 recommends:

The Young Plod by Bob Lessemun
The Young Plod
by Bob Lessemun | Buy this book
True stories of a homicide detectives experiences in the Black Country starting at Stourbridge Junction railway station when dressed in full uniform had to ask his way to the police station. Take a trip on his journey and experience 20 short stories on what a cop can expect to do and experience.
Christmas Bloody Eve
by Bob Leesemun | Buy this book
Tells story of mayhem at Stourbridge hairdressers after local drunken hooligans decide to raid a ladies hairdressers with mistletoe and didn’t bargain for the injuries they endured when trying to get a Christmas kiss. The local cop, the author tells the story start to finish. It didn’t end well
The Blue Jemmy  by Bob Lessemun
The Blue Jemmy
by Bob Lessemun | Buy this book
true story of a well known criminal and police informer who finds himself between a rock and a hard place after a local armed robber uses his home to scrub the blood off his boots. The story is told as if related by the informant.
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Retired thriller/detective book reader wanting to join a club to talk to other readers. Want to increase my reading spectrum by trying other genres

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i am 27, I love reading romance and fantasy book. i would love to find a club, that I can connect with and also make friends

Cody recommends:

Tales of a monstrous heart by Jennifer Delaney
Tales of a monstrous heart
by Jennifer Delaney | Buy this book
The story is complex and beautiful with gothic story elements. it is a slow burn and all the characters are very loveable
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avid reader, sociable,

Sarah recommends:

by Bill Beverley | Buy this book
literary crime with compelling characters
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I enjoy literary fiction and crime fiction in particular but other genres too. looking to meet new people with a love of reading

sarah recommends:

by Bill Beverley | Buy this book
literary crime with compelling characters
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I am looking to meet new people with a love of books

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I'm 26, love crime and romance books, but generally up for trying any book!

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Hi I’m a semi retired hospital Matron who loves reading

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