Book clubs in Llandudno
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Llandudno

Love to Eat Reads
An in person book club which meets once every fortnight, in Llandudno. I am in my mid 20s and love a range of books, from classics to modern. I want this group to be about socialising and getting to know new people.
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I’m a mid 20s avid reader of all genres and desperately want to discuss what I read with others like myself!
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The Rabbit Hole
A group to discuss and enthuse about books and more. Whether you're into novels, comics, poetry, films, music or theatre; if you enjoy analysing literature in all forms of mediums and sharing your opinions in group discussions, this might just be the group for you.
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Rufina C
Hi, I'm a 27-year-old woman who enjoys reading biographies and true crime books and recently moved to the area eager to join an engaging book club with a consistent monthly meeting schedule!
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I'm a literature-loving woman in my 40s, hoping to join a monthly book club with fellow enthusiasts who enjoy historical fiction and fantasy books.
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Reading group in Llandudno
Welcome to our friendly book club, where like-minded readers come together to share their love of literature. We enjoy reading a diverse range of genres, from gripping thrillers to mind-bending nov...
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