Book clubs in Aylesbury

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Aylesbury

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Romance, thriller, crime

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Hello everyone, my name is Lluna. I'm excited to join this book club and meet fellow book lovers. I was an avid reader, devouring crime and romance novels in my free time. However, life got busy, and I fell out of the habit. Recently, I’ve found myself with more time on my hands, and I’m eager to reignite my passion for reading. Life has been feeling dull and boring lately, and I hope reading and discussing books with like-minded people will help spice things up. I'm alI also looking to meet new friends and expand my social circle. Although a bit rusty, I’m excited to dive back into reading and explore new genres and authors with this group.

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Modern fiction, mythology

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Interesting in finding a book club whose members enjoy similar types of books to me, both to spur myself to read more but also to meet nice people

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I’m 24 years old, not been living in Buckinghamshire for very long so I haven’t really made any friends. I’ve recently just started getting into reading books and thought why not join a book club to have someone to talk to about what I’ve read and to be able to socialise.

Reader245 recommends:

Twisted love
by Anna Huang | Buy this book
There are soo many plot twists!
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I love reading and I'm lonely.

Tinker recommends:

Life Among The Savages by Shirley Jackson
Life Among The Savages
by Shirley Jackson | Buy this book
Learning about this great woman's amusing and humble home life in 50's America.
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Hello, I'm looking for a bunch of beta readers, I be so so grateful for your time!

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I would love to find a local book club, as I like different perspectives on novels. It would also be great to meet more local people as I work in London.

Sheila recommends:

Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell by M. C. Beaton
Agatha Raisin and the Love from Hell
by M. C. Beaton | Buy this book
Believable characters and very funny.
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Hello! I am a comic stand-up poet of some twelve years' standing, have published three poetry books on Kindle, along with a coming-of-age romance. I have written my huge autobiography based on a very interesting life (I'm 70) and have just embarked on writing a series of illustrated fantasy books - teenage to whatever age - about a group of 'gnomish' KinFolk who inhabit the Vale. Once the first is printed (say in about a month's time) I'd love the opportunity to introduce your members to my little people, for some 'critical friend' support before I go bonkers with a longer print run. I've never belonged to a book club myself, so I hope this request isn't too far away from the sort of thing that might be of interest to you. If it doesn't fit, maybe you could be kind enought to suggest an alternative or two? Many thanks.

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Looking to make more social connections through reading

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I live in the Buckinghamshire countryside and work in Covent Garden. I’d love to find a small book club in my local area as is a great way to discover and enjoy new books.

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Longtime reading looking to have a more social reading experience

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