Book clubs in Buckingham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Buckingham

26 year old, who's got back into reading frequently in the last 2 years. I love Mystery,Crime, Fantasy and sci-fi. Looking to make some friends through reading too!
Juliette recommends:

I’m an avid reader and bring my kindle everywhere with me. Looking to meet other bookworms in my local area.
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Part time worker and mom who loves reading but never seem to have the time to finish a book. Like mostly fiction but love a good auto-biography occasionally. Monthly meetings would be great. Good opportunity to make new friends and expand my reading repertoire - and perhaps motivate me to actually finish books I start reading. No excuses. Would love to meet up with anyone in similar situation or even just to have a conversation (about books ofcourse) - and/or other things. :-)
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