Book clubs in Great Missenden
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Great Missenden

Enjoy reading and want to find some likeminded people who want to talk about a book. Eclectic mix of recent reads from bestsellers to Japanese translations and autobiographies.
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Milton Keynes Science Fiction & Fantasy Reading Group
Our sociable and welcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy Reading Group takes place on Thursdays once a month at Milton Keynes' popular shopping destination Midsummer Place. The group is coordinated by the enchanting eccentric Ruth French who also offers exclusive library perks to members. We prioritize newly released written works and enjoy lively but laidback discourse along with themes as-bunny outlines in sci-fi. Sign up to then pop in to our latest meetings for the best reads, snacks and very nerd-focused fun activity session. See links belong tog reach a outline of recently accomplished books: /mk_sf_fantasy_book_club /lists
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Grange Reading Group
Meets at on Run by Fola Omotunde Library service We are a children’s (ages 4 - 11 yrs) reading group. We meet on Thursdays between 6pm - 8pm every week (except in the month of August). Our objectives are to: - Promote reading as part of a lifestyle - Develop vocabulary through reading - Learn the art of story telling - Improve communication and listening skills. We have a weekly membership of 15 children per session. We meet at: Milton keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK8 0NW Tags Chatterbooks
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