Book clubs in Marlow
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Marlow

I’m 32 looking for a group of similar age women that would be interested in creating a book club or allowing me to join one :)
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I’ve been learning french for the past 5 years and have only been reading in french but it’s time to get back into enjoying reading in English. I’m 58 and have flexible time. I’d like to find a group in which I feel at ease and be inspired!
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I'm in my early 20s and looking to meet other young women who enjoy reading all genres: romantic, mysteries, self help, philosophy etc and make some new friends with like minded individuals.
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Looking to connect with non fiction readers
Hi, I tend to read a lot of books on self development, spirituality and business . It would be great to meet up with likeminded people to share insights, experiences and make friends along the way!
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Perch Book Group
We are a friendly group of women aged between about 50 and 70, who have been meeting for some years and mostly read contemporary fiction (no chicklit or romance!) We meet on the first Tuesday of the month.
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I am already a member of a book group, and am responding to a retired woman who is looking for a book group
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