Book clubs in Glossop
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I love reading but don’t have anyone with similar interests to chat book with. Some writers I like: Iris Murdoch, Bulgakov, Henry James, Emily Brontë, Dostoyevsky, Ishiguro, Camus, Leonora Carrington, Arthur Koestler, Shakespeare, Shelley (both of them), Goethe, Jorge Luis Borges.
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Kids and husband have left the nest and it's time for the next stage in my life journey. I gave up a lot including reading to bring up my kids but I'm back. I love all sorts but at the moment into crime novels. Not a fan of horror and classics.
Deborah recommends:

The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Totally unexpected and reminded me so much of my father. To start on your way to the post box and just keep going.. my idea of being free.

The Dressmaker's gift
I love reading Ms Valpy's books. They create a beautiful, evocative picture and tell beautiful stories. The way she wove two generations around a shop was creative and beautifully told.

Recently retired so looking for opportunity to extend my reading experience.
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