Book clubs in Ilfracombe
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Ilfracombe

Caroline LM
Hello, I'm a 50 something female and have recently moved to this beautiful area. I love reading all sorts of books (fiction and non fiction). I'm looking to find inspirational reads and meet new people.
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Lili B
33-year-old female with sporadic availability due to part-time work and familial responsibilities, hoping to join a book club reading novels about interpersonal relationships and/or autobiographical stories about influential women for lively and engaging discussions.
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Janella M
A 30-something book lover with a busy schedule, looking for a friendly book club with unique genre diversity.
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Reading group in Ilfracombe
We're a community of enthusiastic readers meeting at our cozy little club in Devon, eagerly searching for new fiction to get lost in. As a small-close-knit group of eight people, we predominents in...
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