Book clubs in Maidenhead

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Maidenhead

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Just interested in finding a book club

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I love to read books and discuss books. However, none of my friends read. So, would love to join a nice book club locally and enjoy discovering and discussing new books. I read almost anything...from classics to thrillers to historic fiction....period murder mysteries...even a little bit of non-fiction

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Buth Perera

Love to read anything and everything. Looking forward to getting back into reading.

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I'm looking for a varied group of people in my area who like to read books and then share their comments/experiences. I've self-published a novel fairly recently and enjoyed the experience....and learnt SO much. I want to learn more (from other readers and writers) and enjoy generating and discussing ideas with others. I need to get into the habit of reading more than I do and a fun book club would help that.

CookhamMac recommends:

Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee
Cider with Rosie
by Laurie Lee | Buy this book
The varied and beautifully described experiences of a boy growing up in a small Gloucestershire village in the years immediately following WW1.
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I like all manner of books, only recently began reading again. In the past I read psychology and sociology related books, however I have branched out into fiction: psychological thrillers, whodunit, comedy, mystery

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Wish to join afternoon or morning book club 0774 636 7100

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Keen to participate in morning or afternoon book club within 10 miles distance

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i want to get back into reading as i got caught up reading non fiction and would like a group to discuss fiction books

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