Book clubs in Sandhurst

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Sandhurst

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Added 26 days ago


I’m in my early 20’s and love most books except murder mysteries or thrillers! I read a lot in my past time and love fantasy, mythical and adventure books!

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Mysteries, thrillers & cosy crime

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Crowthorne Thursdays

Meets at Crowthorne Thursdays on Run by Crowthorne Library Library service Bracknell Forest Borough Council - Libraries Well read group. Read a wide variety of fiction and not afraid of a challenge. We meet at: Crowthorne Library, 162 High Street, Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 7AT Tags ebook

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Sandhurst Red Book group

We are currently welcoming new members to join us on the first Tuesday evening of each month at Sandhurst Library. Helen Snow runs the Library service, and our members include both men and women of many ages, from 40 to 70. We aim to provide a wide selection of books, such as classic works, science fiction, thrillers, and contemporary literature.

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Nelly L

A 35-year-old woman with a passion for diverse and thought-provoking literature seeks to join a quality book club that meets on weekday evenings or weekends, ideally discussing award-winning contemporary fiction, fantasy and classic literature in a convivial and welcoming atmosphere.

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Ferdinand R

I'm a thirtysomething woman who usually has availability in the evenings hoping to join a book club that leans towards contemporary literature and/or memoirs.

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A voracious reader and creative writer who prefers Autobiographies, Women's fiction, and YA titles in vibrant surroundings with deep exploration of decision point stories, self-growth productions, but with no current or previous book club engagement invites opportunities to belong in her preferred London club platform.

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