Book clubs in Wokingham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Wokingham

Carley G
I am 46 year old and have lived in Wokingham for 2 years, I still do not know anyone and would like to meet other people and connect with. I completed a Counselling Psychology Degree in 2023 so I am interested in Psychology, but my lack of enthusiasm for reading holds me back. I used to love reading books but struggle to stick to one now. I found out that I have ADHD so my short term memory is not great and I find forgetting information that I have learnt is easy to do. So I would like to get back into reading and train my brain as well as meeting new people and hoping to make new friends. I am currently lacking in confidence and I am quite shy at first but grow more confident the more I socialise. Thank you
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I am looking for a book club in Wokingham that meets on a Monday or Wednesday evening. I love reading and am happy to try any book!
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Hi, I am 53yrs old and only read spiritual, psychology, mind/body books as I am a Psychotherapist. I would like to join a local book club to socialise as well as diversify my interest in other genres and discuss other members' interests. Please feel free to contact me on 0786 129 3634 if you have some ideas of how I can join a local bookclub( my preference is woodley as I live in woodley) . Thank you.
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I've always been an avid reader averaging 2 books per week, my favourite genre is tudor history, I'm looking for a social meeting with like minded avid readers
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