Book clubs in Basingstoke

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Basingstoke

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Added 1 day ago


I'm 27, love to read fantasy, and sometimes non-fiction. Also love playing chess badly. Would love a friend to talk to about books or random stuff :)

Ben recommends:

A memory of light (wheel of time)
by Robert Jordan, Brandon sanderson | Buy this book
Generally just the entire wheel of time series is an absolute classic, the final book was amazing.
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Added 11 days ago


Huge bibliophile, mainly reading a lot of fantasy and sci-fi at the moment, but my collection and taste spans from classics, magical realism, dystopian and everything in between. Just wanting to get a feel for whether there's any book groups near/in Basingstoke and what genres seem to be popular.

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Added 14 days ago


A lifelong book lover with a passion for historical fiction, horror, sci-fi, and fantasy. I enjoy immersive storytelling, rich world-building, and thought-provoking narratives that stay with you long after the last page. Some of my all-time favorites include The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, and Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Always looking to connect with like-minded readers who love deep discussions, new book recommendations, and the occasional debate over the best (or worst) adaptations. Let’s talk books!

FranklyStein recommends:

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
Pillars of the Earth
by Ken Follett | Buy this book
Pillars of the Earth is an epic blend of history, drama, and ambition, featuring rich medieval detail, complex characters, and a gripping story of power, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of a grand vision.
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Added 17 days ago


32 year women

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Would love to join a book or reading club in Basingstoke.

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I'm 26 and wish to find like-minded, book loving friends in my area. I'm an introvert by nature but connecting with people who have similar interests like reading will certainly help to bring me out of my shell. I love all kinds of fiction including romance, historical fiction & fantasy.

Emily recommends:

The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods
The Lost Bookshop
by Evie Woods | Buy this book
I couldn’t put this book down. Combined two of my favourite things - multiple povs and set in different time periods! Balanced darker themes, wit and magical realism really well. The short chapters certainly made it a page turner.
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Hey, I am a big reader, I read everyday as part of my routine and looking for a book club, a group of people where we can read the same book and talk about it. It's so hard reading a great book and not having anyone to talk about it with.

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Looking to expand my social circle, love reading and getting lost in the world of books. Horror, romance, drama any genre really. So grab a book, put the kettle on let's learn about each other

Wyka recommends:

It by Stephen King
by Stephen King | Buy this book
Keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout, if you don't mind getting scared then this horror writing author has some amazing books.
The Lord of the Rings  by J.R.R Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings
by J.R.R Tolkien | Buy this book
Makes you feel like you are living their everyday life with them, going through all the horrible things they go through. Want to have an adventure then grab your hats and enjoy the journey
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I’m a lover of books in most genres, who is looking for some stretch and challenge in her reading. Looking forward to meeting likeminded people 🙂

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Contemporary fiction, social sciences and classics.

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I'd really like to expand my social circle, increase the fun in my life and reduce the time I spend at work. I've always been a keen reader, love getting lost in characters and plots and the wonderful imagination of a good author so thought combining the two might be a a good place to start.

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I’m a voracious reader and read fiction, non fiction, poetry, anything really. I’m keen to join a local book club

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Looking for a book club to discuss book and meet new people

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i’m looking for a group of people i can share my love for dark romance / thriller genres whether it’s on paperback or e-books! i’d love to meet for costa and discuss recommendations

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