Book clubs in Bordon
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Bordon

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Chatterbooks Keep Reading !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Chatterbooks reading group for 8 to 11 year olds meets at Bordon Library, Forest Centre on Pinehill Road, Hampshire. This library-run service is open to new members.
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Reading group in Bordon
Come and join a friendly book club of like-minded individuals in Bordon, mixing both seasoned bibliophiles and the newest to the habit. Our group currently consists of 12 engaged members interested...
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An avid reader with a passion for historical fiction, interested in joining a thriving book club for first-time members, meeting bi-weekly on Saturdays.
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Zachary P
Hi, I am a retired 58-year-old female who would love to join a local book club where we meet once a month, preferably in the afternoon or evening, to read books from different genres with a particular interest in historical fiction.
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