Book clubs in Farnborough

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Farnborough

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I enjoy dystopian fiction, classics and crime novels

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I love anything classics and true crime. Looking to connect with people on books so I have someone to get excited or disappointed with!

RobynRadcliffe00 recommends:

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
The Silent Patient
by Alex Michaelides | Buy this book
I love anything with a plot twist, and this has to be the best plot twist out there!!
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Love to read. Want to meet new people and discover new books/authors/genres

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I'm a 30 something female looking to find others who enjoy reading similar books as me! My go to genres are Fantasy (adult / YA), romance, contemporary fiction. I enjoy watching booktube to get my latest recommendations.

Anthea recommends:

Assassin's apprentice
by Robbin Hobb | Buy this book
Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb Epic Fantasy written in the 90s with amazing characters you can relate to, interesting plot and wonderfully written prose.
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Hi! I'm looking to make new friends and connect over a common interest in books! I mostly enjoy science fiction/fantasy, mystery and historical fiction but I am hoping to broaden my literary horizons so I welcome any suggestions and recommendations.

Louis recommends:

Katherine of Aragon  by Alison Weir
Katherine of Aragon
by Alison Weir | Buy this book
A well researched book which demonstrates the authors passion for the particular historical period and persons. I thought the author wrote Katherine of Aragon's story with such attentiveness, sensitivity and respect.
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Avid reader, likes both fiction and non fiction.

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I love reading. My favourites are the classics. I am looking for a social group to join to talk about books and to get inspiration for new reads

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A lady 30 plus looking for a group to join. I would prefer weekends.

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I have always loved reading. Looking to make friends and get book recommendations.

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I have just discovered a love for reading, as a new reader I am still discovering what genres I like and I don't like so I'm looking to join a book club to read new books, new genres and discover different authors

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Natacha Harding

Avid reader of almost any genre, fiction and non-fiction.

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