Book clubs in Havant

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Havant

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Added 7 days ago


Just started reading again after a long break. Looking for like minded people to read with. I like psychological thrillers, horror and fantasy.

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I live in waterlooville. I love reading fantasy, supernatural, and romantasy. However, I would like to join a bookclub to discuss with others, as my friends are squares who don't read such books.

Sophie recommends:

The great gatsby
by F. Scot Fitzgerald | Buy this book
I know I stated I love fantasy, but this is my favourite book. The symbolism and Gatsby's ability to dream and hold onto it until the very end was beautiful, and I loved how the book made me fall in love with characters only to have my heart broken.
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older woman, young thinking, reads all sorts of fiction, Reacher, Bosch etc. Make acquantances, maybe friends and waffle.

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The main genres I read are crime/thrillers and YA books but I have also recently been reading a lot of fantasy.

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In my 30s looking for like minded readers. Recently discovered fantasy, YA and romance which has reignited my love of reading. I enjoy action adventure and thrillers as well. Opening to giving new genres a go!

Eleanor recommends:

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Fourth Wing
by Rebecca Yarros | Buy this book
I enjoyed the chemistry and world building. The supporting characters were compelling and the dynamic was brilliant!
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Amy Leigh

I am Amy, I'm quite artistic and like the creative side of things. I'm looking to join a book group due to how I would like to get back into healthy reading habits once again.

Amy Leigh recommends:

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros
Fourth Wing
by Rebecca Yarros | Buy this book
I find that there's never a dull moment and it truly immerses me into the story
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I try to read every day, it’s mostly non-fiction; history and some science are a bigger, but not exclusive, part of it; but I’m trying add more fiction. And even a bit of poetry. I’m early 50s, male, my other great passion is music.

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I am in my late twenties and love reading a wide variety of books. I enjoy hearing about recommendations and favourite books and discussing them. I would love to meet some new people around here.

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Arty farty

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Meet friends like books and art

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I love reading a wide variety of genres and enjoy a good discussion about books

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