Book clubs in Bury
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Bury

Sam h
I love reading and enjoy a mixture of authors and genres . Looking at joining a local book club
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Not made any pals since moving to Bury a year ago, so trying a new approach based on a hobby!
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I have just started to read books and care for my ageing parents part of the time. I would like to join a group for ideas and a chance to talk about books and more books. ps I also bake
youngreader recommends:

to kill a mocking bird
the characters, namely the differences between them contrasted with the deep relationships between them

Avid reader with very broad interests. Looking to get out and socialise with like minded people.. who love chatting about books!
Vic recommends:

Strange Sally Diamond
Keeps you guessing from cover to cover

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