Book clubs in Littleborough
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Littleborough

I'm an active near-pensioner looking for a little additional intellectual stimulation during the winter months.
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Littleborough U3A Reading Group
Meets at Littleborough Library on Run by Littleborough Library Library service Rochdale MBC - Libraries This is a recently formed, friendly group that meets every month . The group is open to everyone in the community.Our tastes are diverse and this is reflected in the titles we choose. We meet at: Hare Hill Park, Littleborough, OL15 9HE Accepting new members
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I'm a 28-year-old woman who loves reading biographies and historical fiction, and my heavy work schedule allows me to meet once a month on Saturdays.
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"I'm a retired woman who loves immersing myself in novels and I'm hoping to find a book club that meets during the weekdays, where we'll be spending every session dissecting the psychological intricacies and intimate intricacies of protagonists enjoying their affair(s)."
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Reading group in Littleborough
Our book club, located in a quaint Lancashire town, is always seeking new bookworms to join our enthusiastic meetings. We range in age from fresh-faced graduates to seniors who relish a good yarn. ...
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