Book clubs in Oldham

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Oldham

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I have a passion for reading. I mainly read sci-fi, fantasy or crime but have read some other genres. I am looking to meet others who also enjoy reading, try new genres and get some new recommendations.

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Andy reads books 29

I mostly read history books World War II and Transport I read lots to help with my research for my history channel. ( Andy's Vehicle History Channel on YouTube ) And it would be a delight to meet like minded people and get additional information about the best books to read and hopefully help with my research for my history channel.

Andy reads books 29 recommends:

Post Cars of the Army Service Corps
by Michael Young | Buy this book
It has amazingly crisp photographs and captures life in the ASC ( supply units ) it shows what life was like in the run up to and during World War 1 there are many magnificent photos of there lorries and paintings a picture of how they relaxed and tried to have a bit of fun with friends it really helps for my research and there are many other books I could recommend mostly WW2 and Transport ones.
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I'm interested in books and meeting people best way to find the best books to read is to talk to people who read books. I guess it's a no brainer

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I have a huge passion for reading and want to meet others with likeminded interests to discuss books with

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Hi, I'm David and I live in the Oldham area and I love literature. I'm looking to join a book club within my town to meet like minded people who enjoy a good read.

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I like fiction romance drama s , looking to make new friends also.

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Diane 29

Hi, my name is Diane I'm 57 yrs old. I enjoy reading a variety of books, crime , true stories, romance, thrillers. I am wanting to join a book club to get recommendations & also to meet others. I would prefer an evening session.

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I love reading and always have a book on the go. I read mainly crime books. I would like to meet like minded people and get recommendations for new authors. I'm 64 and a widow.

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