Book clubs in Lancaster

Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Lancaster

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Added 19 days ago


Hi. I love reading albeit more listening to audiobooks and would be interested to join a club. Quite an eclectic reader although romance or fantasy novels would not really be my thing.

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Added 20 days ago


Thriller, dark romance, psychological thriller, classical and more.

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David G

I love reading and would enjoy discussing books with new friends.

David G recommends:

Wordy by Simon Schama
by Simon Schama | Buy this book
Lots of interesting short essays/articles on modern and not so modern culture.
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Wide interests, love the classics, Anne Tyler, Walter Mosley, Michel Faber, many others. Also ecology and the countryside are major interests. I’m looking to widen my circle and discuss books as well as reading them!

Dale recommends:

The Crimson Petal and the White  by Michel Faber
The Crimson Petal and the White
by Michel Faber | Buy this book
One of the most compulsively readable books, I have ever read. From the first paragraph, I was hoped. On the face of it, the protagonist, Sugar, a victorian prostitute, would not seem the most attractive subject for a long book. However, I defy anyone not to be dragged in to the world that is so skilfully described. I was a little heartbroken when the story came abruptly to an end, even after more than 800 pages. If I introduce even one more person to this wonderful book, then that will be a job. Well done. I cannot praise this author highly enough, although I have yet to read another of his books that was as utterly brilliant as this one. I work of some genius in my judgement.
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Recently retired teacher looking to meet fellow book lovers to chat about books and more. Enjoy crime, classics, modern literature, sci fi but open to being introduced to new genres. Would like to meet once a month.

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I enjoy reading thrillers and am interested in joining a local book group to read, chat and make like-minded friends.

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Jill L

I’m an avid reader of most genres. I’m looking for opportunities to talk to other readers in a friendly atmosphere.

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I'd love to join a friendly book club to meet new people and find great reads

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