Book clubs in Rochdale
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Rochdale

Hello I read since I was 4 (mum was director of library ,later director of special library (volumes with historical importance) ,so I blame her :). Got quite impressive library myself (just over thousand books). My favorite writers? .... Kurt Vonnegut (got cat named Mr Kilgore Trout) Charles dickens,Fyodor Dostoyevsky,haruki murakami,roland topor ,Im ashamed to say I have read works of Sir Terry Pratchett as teenager (both in german and polish translation) ,but BECAUSE Hes humour is untranslateable,books lost its charm;now read entire discworld and have to include;Sir Terry Pratchett.
Vader recommends:

Hi, I am moving to the area soon and would love to join a book club. I am 29, enjoy reading a mixture of contemporary/lit fiction and some classics.
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I enjoy true crime and murder mystery books
BOOKWORM recommends:

Love mostly fantasy books at the moment, do have diverse reading tastes, from thrillers to police crime, werewolves - witches - vampires to period drama to chick flick books, depending on my mood will depend on what I am currently reading. I love my kindle but there is nothing better than to smell and hold a new book regardless of the title & contents. Looking to join a book club near me to meet and make friends with booking loving like minded people.
ItsNicki recommends:

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