Book clubs in Glastonbury
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Glastonbury

Interested in being part of a group of book reading friends - meeting say once a month to discuss the books we read and others we like. Keen for it to be about the books. I don't enjoy gory murder or scary thrillers but am otherwise happy to try reading anything.
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I'm a professional woman looking to pick up the reading pace again, after a few fallow years. I'd read relatively widely through a previous group because we liked exploring and discussing everyones different perspectives and preferred generes. I'd like to be part of that sort of dynamic again, although this can develop over time. A monthly or approximately so meet up would suit best - slow reading and busy!
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Old but still exploring Earth and the human condition. Enjoy company of all ages, books by the inquisitive, inventive, explorative, sensitive, funny, weird…meeting once a week in Glasto for yakking and tea
Paul recommends:

I’m 24 and currently living in Glastonbury. The books I read go from classics to typical beach reads. Meeting up around crisps, wine or cupcakes to talk about these would be great.
CaitlynB recommends:

Toria V.
New to the area and love reading so this might be a good way to meet new folk.
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