Book clubs in Winscombe
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Winscombe

I am a primary school teacher, a mother and a writer (agented, but unpublished) looking to discover and talk about new books. I tend to choose historical fiction novels (anything by Kate Atkinson or Joanne Harris) but am keen to branch out and follow recommendations - I have discovered some real gems this way!
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Avid reader with a preference for literary fiction and thrillers, eager to participate in book club meetings once a week any evening except Wednesdays or Thursdays, and excited to meet people who share their love for books!
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Reading group in Winscombe
We are a small and friendly book club that meets in Winscombe, Somerset. Our group is predominantly middle-aged ladies, but we welcome readers of all ages and genders. We have been meeting fortnigh...
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Reading group in Winscombe
Looking for a cozy group of bibliophiles to chatter with about eclectic read? Then join us! We gather at the comfy corner of Harbour bookstore: fifteen kindred spirits of all ages who come together...
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