Book clubs in Grantham
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Grantham

Would like to get to know more local people. Moved back to area during lockdown which seems a distant memory.
LouWatson55 recommends:

Interested to meet some like minded local faces and would enjoy mixing my usual book choices with some alternative authors.
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Grantham Book Club
A place for like minded individuals who cannot attend explore new books. First meeting 6th February at 7.30pm (Cinco Lounge) Grantham.
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Wyndham Park Visitor Centre
This group meets every 4-6 weeks during the day and welcomes all ages (Adults). 11am-12.30pm Thursday. Join the facebook group for updates.
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Tuckwood Towers
Hello, my name is Beth and I am starting up a book club in Grantham for like minded readers. I like most genre's; mainly fantasy, romance, sci-fi, period to classics, thrillers, etc.
Tuckwood Towers recommends:

Heya! I’m faith, I’m 24 from Grantham and have been avid reader since I could read a book! I’m currently super into crime, psychological thrillers and of course the ol lovey dovey romance! Would love someone to chat to about books and even read stuff together! Faith x
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Eclectic reader guided by the vibes - I like fantasy, cosy crime, queer romance, classic lit - anything I can curl up and enjoy with an iced coffee and my reading playlist 😊 I'd love to have more people to talk to in-person about books, and motivate myself to finish a few more this year!
MeriadocMosscap recommends:

Interesting in reading just about anything. Looking to combine my goals of becoming more well-read and bettering my social skills. Currently began reading 'Dracula' and 'Pride and Prejudice'. Enjoy film and have recently developed a love for Expressionist art and wish to develop my creative, artistic side. Enjoy non-fiction and exploring the works of past scholars such as Marx or Hobbes. Enjoy the writings of DuBois and of bell hooks.
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I am 24 and love reading and want to find people who would like to share a book.
Beth recommends:

Katie (Grantham)
I am 20 years old and just looking for some friends who enjoy reading as much as I do, I love reading romance, mystery, horror, even crime books, I love any genre really :)
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I moved to Grantham about a year ago. Don't know anyone. Usually have my head in a book or ereader. I would love to meet a group of readers, or even just one, say once a month. Don't mind the books, but I love crime thrillers, sci fi and fantasy. I am very happy to be out my comfort zone when reading.
Edward48 recommends:

I'm a gal in her early twenties who has always got her nose in a good book. I have quite an eclectic taste and will give most genres a good go for a bit of variety:). Would love to meet some other reading enthusiasts to share my excitement for books with
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Sue cook
Would like to read and think within a group and be encouraged to try new stuff. Recently moved to the area to be closer to family.
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i’m 15 and really want to join a book club but can’t find any that is okay with under 18s or close to where i am. i love reading, i really like sad books or “coming of age” books. some of my favourites are dead poets society, the perks of being a wallflower and the song of achilles
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