Book clubs in Honington
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Honington
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Avid reader and experienced book club member in search of camaraderie with fellow bibliophiles interested in delving deeply into cutting-edge contemporary fiction or thought-provoking narratives little-known in the everyday culture steeped in irony generating urban-media-diets, and free to attend club meetings on weekends or after five on weekdays.
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"I'm a 30-something book lover and mother of two who has never been in a book club before, but is eager to meet like-minded friends and discuss everything from romance novels to art history."
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Honington Book Club
Great friendships, a warm and engaging reading experience and a different perspective are what our book club offers. Our small and mighty Lincolnshire reading club meets monthly in a cozy café on H...
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