Book clubs in Martin
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Martin
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Birdies Book Group
Gathering at Anne Bath's White Lodge in Croft Lane, Wainfleet, Lincolnshire, PE24 4PA, this library service is provided by the Lincolnshire County Council Libraries.
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I'm a 30-something woman who loves a good challenge and meeting new people; after discovering my love for Agatha Christie, mystery novels have become my newest guilty pleasure and I've never been in a book club before!
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The Martin Book Club
"We are a small and friendly group scattered across Lincolnshire, brought together by our love of books. From historical fiction to thriller; we revel in exploring all genres. Our meetings are held...
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Reading group in Martin
We are a small, but welcoming, book club open to new members who share our love for classic literature. We take turns to host discussions in our cozy venues around Martin, including cafes and priva...
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