Book clubs in Spilsby
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Spilsby

Evening all, I have recently relocated into the area from Kent and am a Mum of two primary school children. I am looking to join a local book club to meet new people and share my love of reading 😀
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Looking for a local book club with meet ups so I can meet some new people, be encouraged to red more than once a year and have someone to talk to about my reading! Enjoy supernatural, romance, fantasy, murder mystery etc.
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I'm a thirty-something woman who is new to book clubs but looking forward to spice up my evenings with geeking out over history, suspense and maybe even some si-fi books with non-judgmental book-lovers like me.
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Spilsby Book Club.
We are a diverse group of book enthusiasts from Spilsby and the surrounding areas, who meet fortnightly to catch up with old friends and delve in depth into contemporary and classic literature. Our...
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Reading group in Spilsby
We are a group of seven avid readers based in the heart of Lincolnshire who gather on the third Wednesday of every month at a cozy café in S, Sn or Sp – nobody really knows! We relish lively, intel...
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