Book clubs in Holbeach
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Holbeach

Im 23, recently got back into reading and would love to find some friends to talk about books with :)
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Holbeach Afternoon Reading Group
The group meets at Holbeach Library on the first Wednesday of every month. Marion Brown is in charge and supplies books from the Lincolnshire County Council's list. This year, members have enjoyed Billie Morgan by Joolz Denby, but were not impressed with the lightweight Twelve Days of Christmas by Trisha Ashley. Those wishing to join should visit the library at Church Street, Holbeach, Lincolnshire, PE12 7LL. New members are welcome.
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Filiberto F
I'm a 35-year-old existing member of another book club and have free time every other Thursday evening to discussing contemporary fiction with others who love nail-biting psychological thrillers à la Ruth Ware or sophisticated authors like Béla Bartók, Zsa Zsa Mokits, Jonas Neubert, Kamardarie Burke or Luisa Ameičam.
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Reading group in Holbeach
We are a friendly book club meeting in the welcoming community of Holbeach, Lincolnshire every second Thursday of the month. Our members range from their early 20s to their senior years, all with a...
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Reading group in Holbeach
"Our cozy book club based in Lincolnshire welcomes new members to join the fun-filled discussions around thought-provoking novels. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 7 pm-9 pm at vario...
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