Book clubs in Baldock
Below you'll find every active listing we have for book clubs and readers in Baldock

I have always been a passionate reader, over the past 10 years I have fallen in love with the high fantasy / epic fantasy genre. I have recently written my first book, and I am looking for like minded people to give me honest feedback on it.
MarkStanley84 recommends:

Julie Buckley
Young at heart and happy.
Julie Buckley recommends:

30s. Generally read general, historical or crime/suspense fiction but will give most recommendations a go. Looking to meet people to share the joy of reading with!
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I love reading a range of books and would like to read different books and discuss them with like minded people.
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Baldock Library Chatterbooks Group 2014-15
The Chatterbooks reading groups for children ages 8 to 12 are organised by Hertfordshire Libraries and host up to 15 groups annually. The sessions are facilitated by library staff, are book-themed and meant to encourage an enjoyment for reading in a wide range of activities, from choosing new books and meeting authors to reading published or unpublished materials. While participation is free, enrolment is limited to an academic year. As an effort to accommodate as many kids as possible, the hosting library for the Chatterbooks changes on a yearly basis. We currently meet at the Hertfordshire County Council's Libraries location, Baldock Library located at Simpson Drive, SG7 6DH in Baldock.
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